Choose The Moffett Man for your Moffett trailer hire in Wakefield. We at The Moffett Man know your business woes. So much waste; so little time. When you are in a business that produces a large amount of waste such as plastic and paper or construction waste, material handling becomes an important factor in your business. The Moffett Man has economical solutions. Our truck mounted 3 wheeled forklift is available in several different configurations to suit your material handling needs. It is agile, lightweight and easy to operate but don’t be fooled. These machines are workhorses that can move hundreds of pounds in a short time. They fit on the back of your trailer. It pops right off so you can load the trailer with waste products.
If you don’t have company trailers for waste removal with the Moffett forklift, that is not a problem. For those in Wakefield, Moffett trailer hire from The Moffett Man is your solution. It is an easy and economical way to get the job done without the upfront cost of purchasing. You can hire both the forklift and the trailer. We will drop the trailer in the most convenient location possible. The forklift can go just about anywhere feet can go and clear large heavy loads from your site to the trailer quickly. This is the best way to keep your facility clear so waste materials do not accumulate on site, posing a sanitation violation.
For your Moffett trailerhire Wakefield, The Moffett Man has some very attractive contract arrangements that we think you will like. We can customise the rentals to your specific needs. Call us at The Moffett Man and let’s talk about your waste material handling needs. How much do you accumulate and how often do you fill a trailer. We partner with Elsa Recycling so if your waste is recyclable it won’t go to a landfill. Once you get your waste material handling problems solved you can get on with the business of operating and growing your business. A trailer hire from the Moffett Man could be the right solution for you.